Bot Tibia 7.4
Tibia 7.4 is one of the most popular tibia protocols. Because of that, servers on that protocol sometimes get really popular. However, with popularity, the demand for the bot for the protocol is growing and it is even higher here, as it is the harder protocol to play on!
Are there any free bots for Tibia 7.4?

It is hard to find a free, working multifunctional bot for Tibia 7.4 - however, it is possible! First of all, take a look on bots available:
Medivia Pro Bot | Works on Medivia |
Retrocores / Mastercores OT Bot | Works on Retrocores and Mastercores |
Realesta OT Bot | Works on Realesta |
Classic Tibia Ot Bot | Works on many 7.4 open tibia servers |
How to download and run tibia 7.4 bot?
These bot are not free but we know how to get free versions. First of all you have to download PandoriumX Loader.
You will also need an account on pandoriumx to login to the bot. It is free. You can register here. Make sure to remember your login and password, you will need it to login to the bot you downloaded in the previous step.
Are there another tibia 7.4 bots?
Some bots are not publicly cracked, or it is hard to find a trusted crack source. You can still use these bots after you purchase them.
Rift Bot | $10 / month |
Lofty Bot | $12 / month |
All bots listed here work in the background. They have cavebots, targeting, hotkeys, custom scripts support, light, rune making option, anty-idle and more functions. The hardest part is finding a bot that you like and works on your server.